Welcome Message

Welcome to P.I.A.G.E.T. We hope this website gives you insight into our wonderful schools in Jakarta and Surabaya.
P.I.A.G.E.T seeks to bring together the best of East and West in Indonesia. We hope you enjoy the story of our founding and our unique P.I.A.G.E.T 12 Years Education Journey.
Vision –  Creating a better world through education.
Mission –  Nurturing Good Sons and Daughters, grounded in Values, who are Lifelong Learners and Active Citizens.
Our Core Values

Passion for learning, enthusiastically pursuing interests and goals to achieve maximum potential.

Integrity in uprightness in mutual dealings and civic responsibility.

Adaptability to accept changes and prepare oneself not only to meet but initiate changes that are contributory and impactful on others.

Grace and respect for others and to be dignified even under pressure.

Excellence as the goal, to remain steadfast and undaunted in its pursuit.

Teamwork to bring forth synergy towards goal accomplishment.

Three Foundation Pillars of P.I.A.G.E.T Academy

  • The development of the Character of the student is of the utmost importance and will be painstakingly attended to in order to bring about the moral and ethical person
  • The quest for academic excellence is of paramount importance and will be driven through a rigorous curriculum. Qualified teachers with good pedagogical skills and stimulating programmes will be the key in achieving good academic results
  • Our students will be equipped with important life skills and 21st century skills in order that they will meet the demands and challenges of the future.

P.I.A.G.E.T 12-Year Education Journey – 13651

The P.I.A.G.E.T 12-Year Education Journey (P12YEJ) can be succinctly described with the number 13651 – 1 direction, 3 pillars, 6 over-arching objectives, 5 milestone programmes, and 1 leadership platform.

1 Direction

P12YEJ provides an integrative and iterative journey that moves all students towards one direction – to become P.I.A.G.E.Tians. Both academic and non-academic programmes are integrated in a manner that supports the holistic development of the child. And each programme builds upon earlier programmes, bringing about an iterative experience towards a virtuous cycle of growth.

3 Pillars

P12YEJ strives to deliver the three pillars of P.I.A.G.E.T Education:

  • The development of character
  • The cultivation of life skills and well-being
  • The quest for academic excellence

6 Over-arching Objectives

P12YEJ identifies 6 over-arching objectives that are instrumental in a child’s 12-year education journey with us. Through our field experience and research on the development of a child, every 2-year period will feature one among other over-arching objectives.

Year Over-arching Objectives
P1-P2 (Year 1-2) Cultivating Self-Efficacy (similar to self-confidence)
P3-P4 (Year 3-4) Cultivating Self-Determination (similar to motivation)
P5-P6 (Year 5-6) Cultivating Self-Regulation (similar to self-discipline)
S1-S2 (Year 7-8) Cultivating Character Strengths
S3-S4 (Year 9-10) Cultivating Resilience
J1-J2 (Year 11-12) Cultivating Meaning and Purpose

5 Milestone Programme

All school programmes are aligned to deliver the 6 over-arching objectives. Amongst them are 5 milestone programmes that are carefully designed to be delivered at critical moments of the child’s development.

Milestone Programme (Objective)
Milestone 1(P6/Year 6) iPSLE Success Camp (Promoting academic success through motivation and discipline)
Milestone 2(End S2/ End Year 8) Coming of Age (Nurturing perseverance and resilience)
Milestone 3(S4/ Year 10) O Level Success Camp (Promoting academic success through perseverance and resilience)
Milestone 4(J1/ Year 11) Discovering Meaning and Purpose (Discovering meaning and purpose)
Milestone 5(J2/ Year 12) A Level Success Camp (Promoting academic success through meaning and purpose)

Remarks: All academic Success Camps are built upon earlier non-academic milestone programmes.

1 Leadership Platform

In addition to the milestone and school programmes, P12YEJ provides a leadership platform for our children to experience real-life risk-taking and problem-solving situations under the watchful mentorship of our teachers.

Year Leadership Platform
P4-P6 (Year 4-6) Prefectorial Board
S1-J2 (Year 7-12) Student Council

Strategic Partners

The strategic Partners of P.I.A.G.E.T Academy have been chosen because of their shared educational vision.